A lot of people ask us if I don't need a lot of exercise, but as my pawrents use to say: I'm the couch potato of the huskies 😂😂😂 But I go for a walk a lot and sometimes my mom is bikejoring with me. You can find videos of it on our youtube (see page social media).
Yes I am! Definitely... I always know, where I want to go for a walk for example. But my mom has an explanation: Huskies had to be able to hold their own against their musher if he made a bad decision about the trail. So actually you should call it "intelligent", not "stubborn"... But it also means, that Siberian Huskies are not necessarily suitable for dog owners who are newbies. You should be able to set boundaries...
At home, I'm quiet most of the time... Actually at home I only give voice when I'm happy when someone comes home, when I hear church bells (I hate them) or when I have my moments... 😂😂😂 Outside, I often howl at people I find sympathetic, which unfortunately often leads to confusion because I sound like a wolf.
We do... I don't shed all the time, but when I do, I'm a fur explosion. During shedding season mom & dad have a lot of fun with
the vacuum cleaner...
Well, my owners love my blue eyes, but it wasn't their reason to get a husky. My mom grew up in a village where a yearly sled dog race took place and she loved the howls of the huskies during the race and my dad always loved wolves and I almost look like a little wolf. And they both wanted an independent dog. But a photo of my eyes was once printed in the magazine "Der Hund", so I guess it's safe to assume my eyes are pretty...
I don't dig much in our garden, I only made one hole to lie into it. But I love digging during our walks... much to my mom's chagrin, because I would try to catch mice, if she would let me... and a lot of huskies love to dig in the garden as well.
I don't try to escape my garden or house, actually my pawrents can leave the door open and I stay at home as I'm happy where I am... but there are a lot of huskies who are escape artists, so make sure you have a high fence with a foundation that goes deep enough into the ground before you buy a husky.